Tuesday, March 18, 2014

STUDY GUIDE for Certified HUG Teacher Reading List

Study Guide

The following articles and HUG Your Baby Blogs have been chosen because they will give you the background literature used to develop the Certified HUG Teacher program. The questions following the title of each article or HUG Blog will guide you in identifying key concepts from each reading.

1.    Give Them The HUG: An Innovative Approach to Helping Parents Understand the Language of Their Newborn
a.    What are the potential outcomes on a baby if he/she does not receive consistent, responsive care giving?
b.    What three characteristics help language used for teaching be effective and informative?
c.    What three skills help new parents gain confidence and effectiveness?
d.    Why can reading a baby’s cues be especially important to use with premature babies?
e.    Name the “Newborn Zones” and “SOSs”.

2.    The “HUG”: An Innovative Approach to Pediatric Nursing Care
a.    What is an example of how a practitioner might use “Start here, Not there?”
b.    What are two components of “Seeing and Sharing” a baby’s behavior?
c.    What does “Broadcasting” a child’s behavior mean?
d.    What does “Commentating” on a child’s behavior mean?
e.    How might the “Gaze, then Engage” strategy help a practitioner surface potential “sticky spots” with parents?

2.    Baby Business: A randomized controlled trial of a universal parenting program that aims to prevent early infant sleep and cry problems and associated parental depression.
a.    How common are infant crying and sleep problems?
b.    What are three potential adverse outcomes that might arise from untreated infant crying and sleep problems?
c.    This article claims that Infant sleep problems tend to arise when parents “actively help their infant to fall asleep.” List three nighttime practices that are associated with increased settling problems.

3.    The Brazelton Institute: Understanding the Baby's Language
a.    What are three key assumptions on which The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is based?
b.    List in order the four developmental tasks a newborn must achieve in order to grow and learn?

4.    The Touchpoints Model of Development
a.    What is a Touchpoint?
b.    How does a baby’s transition through a Touchpoint impact the baby’s behavior?
c.    What are the seven guiding principles of the Touchpoints model?
d.    List four normal Touchpoints that occur between birth and one year.
e.    What are possible ramifications if a parent does not anticipate and understand their child’s normal Touchpoints.

5.    I love but do not like my baby” Blog
a.    All BUT ONE of the following are true about a baby’s temperament:
                                               i.     It is biologically based.
                                             ii.     It can be altered with dedicated effort by a parent.
                                            iii.     It is evident early in life.
                                            iv.     It shows up in many areas of the developing child’s life.
b.    The provider uses three of the following approaches to reassure the mother about her baby’s behavior. Which approach is NOT USED and would NOT be helpful.
                                               i.     Helping the mother see the baby’s ability to orient to an object
                                             ii.     Helping the mother see the baby’s response to the mother’s voice
                                            iii.     The provider explains the baby’s behavior AFTER she lets the baby demonstrate how he is “ok!”
                                            iv.     The provider tells the mother, “There is nothing to worry about.”

6.    “My baby doesn’t like my milk!” Blog
a.    List three objective findings that suggest breastfeeding is going well.
b.    List four behaviors that, if misunderstood, might cause a mother to think breastfeeding is not going well.

7.    “I don’t think my baby can see!” Blog
a.    What techniques might enhance a baby’s ability to visually engage with a parent?
b.    What SOSs might a parent see that could decrease a baby’s ability to engage?

8.    “Sleeping like a baby--or NOT!” Blog
a.    Describe the behavior of a baby in Active/Light Sleep.
b.    How might attempting to feed a baby during Active/Light Sleep decrease breastfeeding duration?

9.    Dr. T. Berry Brazelton’s Touchpoints (Part I)
a.    Why is it important for a parent to anticipate and understand an upcoming Touchpoint?

10.   Dr. T. Berry Brazelton’s Touchpoints (Part II)
a.    Describe how a mother might respond to a nine-month-old who is suddenly waking up more at night as he develops separation anxiety?
b.    What challenging nighttime problems might develop if a parent does not understand the nine-month-old Touchpoint?

© HUG Your Baby 2014